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A Small dark quiet

A Small Dark Quiet is a harrowing and intense read about love, life, loss and everything in between. I had absolutely no idea that this storyline would be as deep as what it was and, whilst sometimes that made it a little difficult to follow, I found the overall theme of the book to be one that was written in such a magnetic manner.

Miranda Gold was, pardon the pun, absolute gold at setting the scene and giving her readers something to hold onto, whether it be on an emotional level or due to its poignancy.

A Small Dark Quiet is a read which you’ll be able to fly through, it’s a storyline which makes you think and reevaluate the slightest notion in your own life, whilst also unintentionally changing your mindset to a time in history where things were very different to how they are now.”

- Kaisha, The Writing Garnet, @kaishajayneh

A Small Dark Quiet

“What a powerful and intense novel this is, bearing witness to the power of memory, loss and grief... Beautiful, elegant, sparse and heartrending, A Small Dark Quiet is lyrical and constructed with a pure joy for the words that sing from every page. It is an ultimately uplifting and powerful read that I would absolutely recommend.”

- Rachel Read It, @Rachelb75

“It's literary fiction with an entire story built out of memories, emotional turmoil, fear and distress. There is no doubt that poor Arthur will remain with readers long after finishing this book.”

- Cheryl M-M’s Book Blog, @mm_cheryl

A Small Dark Quiet is an intriguing, rather mournful book… It is brave and thought-provoking literary fiction which demands its readers take a risk to try something which may be outside their comfort zones and I applaud the author for that. These characters and their fractured stories will stay with me as a reminder of all those whose lives have been displaced for whatever reason.”

- Karen Cole, Hair Past A Freckle, @karlou

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“This book explores loss, grief, lives changed by war, identity and place. It’s an emotive but hard hitting read. I swept along with Sylvia and Arthur and I am glad I read their story

For me, A Small Dark Quiet is a book you need to read in a short time and with no outside distractions. It took a little concentration for me to hold on to the sometimes ethereal, dreamlike style of writing. It is also a book that I wouldn’t want to put down and return to.”

- Amanda, Bookish Chat, @BookishChat

 “A Small Dark Quiet is a very reflective piece of writing, not just because of what it exposes about the destructive nature of loss and grief, but also about the importance of recognising one’s heritage, and of the need to find a way through the turmoil of lives which have been forever changed by distressing circumstances.” 

- Jo, Jaffa Reads Too, @jaffareadstoo

“This book has a mature and ambitious structure, as suits the subject matter of fleeting impressions, memories and emotions. Gold gives us a non – linear story of a family which therefore represents the links between memory and current behaviour, what shapes people into their adult and later lives. It is a challenging book to read, but gives a strong impression of how loss leaves a gap that cannot be easily filled – if filled at all- and the effects of the attempt on real people.

“The ongoing question of identity runs throughout this book, for without a grasp of self identity it will be impossible to move on happily. This is a book which asks many questions, demonstrates the lasting effects of grief, and establishes the difficulties of post war Britain. It will linger in the mind for some time.”

- Julie Barham, @NorthernReader